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Which brand of band-aid will stick longer

Page history last edited by ll6 14 years, 7 months ago

Which Brand Of


  Band-Aid Will Stick Longer?







          Isn't it annoying? You're doing something and all of the sudden, your bandage comes off.  Well, now those days are over because I am testing bandages to see which one can stay on longer.  I am going to test Walgreen's, CVS, and Band-Aid.  I think Walgreen's will stay on longer.



          I did many things to the bandages.  The first thing I did was pour water on the bandages.  CVS stayed on longer.  One of the other tests D did was rub them into the grass.  Again, CVS stayed on longer. I also rubbed sand on the bandages, and put them on my  fingers and flexed until they came off.




Here are the averages:


CVS: 7 minutes

Walgreen's: 6 minutes

Band-Aid: 3 minutes




   It turned out that CVS is the best bandage to buy.  My hypothesis was wrong.  I thought Walgreen's would be the best bandage to buy.  Now, it will be much easier to buy bandages.



































Comments (6)

bb6 said

at 1:49 pm on Feb 3, 2010

nice project hope u get a good grade

bb6 said

at 1:50 pm on Feb 3, 2010

also i like the title. it is very good

bb6 said

at 1:53 pm on Feb 3, 2010

i agree with u on what u said

bb6 said

at 1:59 pm on Feb 3, 2010

great job hope you win the science fair

ad6 said

at 2:05 pm on Feb 17, 2010

nice project

ll6 said

at 2:17 pm on Feb 17, 2010

You did such a great job

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